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Nexperia Launches Miniature Leadless Logic ICs to Save Space and Enhance Reliability in Automotive Applications

Nexperia today introduced a series of new automotive-grade logic ICs in miniature MicroPak XSON5 leadless packages. These compact logic ICs are designed for space-constrained automotive applications, such as chassis safety systems, battery monitoring, infotainment systems, and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). The MicroPak XSON5 features a thermally enhanced plastic package that reduces PCB area by 75% compared to traditional leaded miniature logic packages. Additionally, the package includes side-wettable flanks, enabling automated optical inspection (AOI) of solder joints.

Miniature Leadless Logic ICs

This product launch strengthens Nexperia's leadership in the logic device industry, with its innovative packaging technology addressing the growing demands of the automotive sector. The leadless package with side-wettable flanks supports AOI to ensure solder joint quality, improving production reliability and accelerating PCB manufacturing. This reduces costs while ensuring robust solder joints that meet stringent standards.

Nexperia's SOT8065-1 MicroPak XSON5 has 5 pins and measures just 1.1mm × 0.85mm × 0.47mm, making it ideal for space-limited automotive applications. It eliminates delamination issues and offers excellent moisture resistance with an MSL-1 rating. The pads are uniformly coated with a 7μm tin layer on both the sides and bottom, providing effective oxidation prevention and compliance with RoHS and "Dark Green" standards. The SOT8065-1 accommodates the same die size as SOT353 while occupying less PCB area, offering superior soldering durability and enhanced electrical performance.