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Microchip Launches Compact CAN FD System Basis Chip Solution for Space-Constrained Applications

The growing demand for higher bandwidth, lower latency, and enhanced security in wired connectivity solutions is being driven by the increase in connected applications in the automotive and industrial markets. Reliable and secure communication network solutions are crucial for ensuring data is transmitted and processed as expected. Microchip Technology Inc. today announced the launch of the ATA650x CAN FD System Basis Chip (SBC) family. This series integrates a high-speed CAN FD transceiver and a 5V low-dropout regulator (LDO) in a compact 8-pin, 10-pin, and 14-pin package, saving space.

ATA650x devices

The ATA650x CAN FD SBC occupies minimal space: the VDFN8 package is 2 mm × 3 mm, the VDFN10 package is 3 mm × 3 mm, and the VDFN14 package is 3 mm × 4.5 mm. The SBC includes a high-speed CAN FD transceiver that supports data rates up to 5 Mbps.

As a powerful solution for space- and power-constrained applications, the SBC family offers ultra-low power consumption, with a typical standby current of just 15 μA. The ATA650x SBC can control the VCC power voltage through the bus signal, reducing current consumption in automotive electronic control units (ECUs). To further minimize power consumption, the SBC can turn off the LDO in sleep mode, disabling the microcontroller’s power supply.

The ATA650x devices offer safety features including fail-safe, protection, and diagnostics, ensuring reliable bus communication in advanced networks. They are resistant to electrostatic discharge (ESD) and provide electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) performance, making them a robust solution for applications in harsh environments.

The integrated SBC solution is "functional safety ready," helping customers achieve ISO 26262 safety certification or the required ASIL level. Additionally, the SBC has passed AEC-Q100 Grade 0 certification and operates in a temperature range of -40°C to +150°C.

Rudy Jaramillo, Vice President of Microchip's Analog Power and Interface Division, stated, "Our compact CAN FD SBC is designed specifically for space-constrained applications, meeting the critical need for robustness in demanding environments. This highly integrated solution minimizes circuit board space requirements, reduces design complexity, and helps customers save on system-level costs."