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Littelfuse Unveils EITS Series Switches with Customizable LEDs for Telecom and Data Center Applications

Littelfuse (NASDAQ: LFUS), an industrial technology manufacturing company dedicated to enabling a sustainable, connected, and safer world, has introduced the C&K Switches EITS Series Right-Angle Illuminated Tactile Switches. These switches offer surface-mount PIP terminals and standard through-hole configurations, providing innovative, versatile solutions for applications in telecom, data centers, and professional audio/video equipment. The EITS Series features multiple LED color options, including single-color and bi-color variants, and customizable caps to meet specific application requirements.

C&K Switches EITS Series Right-Angle Illuminated Tactile Switches

Key Features and Benefits of EITS Tactile Switches:

• Surface-Mount PIP Terminals and Through-Hole Configuration: The EITS Series offers surface-mount PIP terminals and standard through-hole options, providing engineers with greater flexibility in assembly and integration.

• Multiple LED Colors: A variety of LED colors, including bi-color options, enhances visual indication and signaling functionality for designs.

• High-Temperature Caps for PIP Reflow Soldering: The high-temperature caps enable compatibility with PIP reflow soldering, enhancing durability and reliability in surface-mount applications.

• Mylar Tape for PIP Versions: Simplifies placement during surface mounting, optimizing production efficiency.

• Custom Caps and Markings: Customizable cap colors and markings are available to meet specific aesthetic and functional design requirements.

Gavin Xu, Engineering Technical Development Manager of the Electronics Business Unit at Littelfuse, stated: "The EITS Right-Angle Illuminated Tactile Switches are easy to integrate, enhance functionality, operate across a wide temperature range, offer multiple actuation forces, and customizable LED colors and cap markings. With THT, SMT, and PIP assembly options, these switches provide engineers with exceptional flexibility and direct PCB integration."

The EITS Series Tactile Switches are ideal for a wide range of markets and applications, including:

• Telecom: Base stations, multiplexers, network switches, and local control units.

• Data Centers: Rack and blade servers, network routers, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), and power distribution units (PDU).

• Professional Audio/Video: Mixers, production switchers, recording consoles, and broadcast control panels.

The EITS Series features a side-actuated design, improving PCB layout flexibility and setting it apart from other tactile switches on the market. With multiple LED colors, including single and bi-color options, the switches allow for extensive customization, making them ideal for applications requiring distinct visual indication. The EITS Series offers surface-mount PIP terminals and high-temperature cap options to simplify manufacturing processes while ensuring reliable performance in demanding environments.