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Diodes Launches Automotive Current Shunt Monitors for Rapid Fault Detection

Diodes Incorporated (Nasdaq: DIOD) has introduced the automotive-compliant ZXCT18xQ series high-precision current shunt monitors. These single-stage instrumentation amplifiers accurately measure low sense voltages across a wide common-mode voltage range of up to 26V and operate within a supply voltage range of 2.7V to 5.5V. Automotive applications include ambient lighting control, battery management, seat heating, and other body control systems.


The ZXCT180Q supports unidirectional current measurement, while the ZXCT181Q supports both unidirectional and bidirectional current measurement. The ZXCT180Q offers two pinout configurations (versions A and B), allowing flexible PCB layouts. When the ZXCT181Q is used for bidirectional current sensing (e.g., in battery management systems), a voltage is introduced at the REF pin to offset the output voltage. For unidirectional current sensing, the REF pin of the ZXCT181Q is connected to GND.

The ZXCT18xQ series offers four fixed voltage gain options: 20V/V, 50V/V, 100V/V, and 200V/V. The devices measure shunt voltages across a common-mode voltage range of -0.3V to 26V, unaffected by the supply voltage, with a maximum supply current of 370μA. At 20V/V, the series supports a small-signal bandwidth of up to 400kHz and a fast slew rate of 2V/μs, enabling rapid detection of current changes and swift output transitions. These features make the devices ideal for applications requiring quick responses to input current variations.

The ZXCT18xQ series enhances Diodes Incorporated's 26V rail current monitoring product portfolio, complementing the previously introduced ZXCT199Q and ZXCT21xQ series, which offer high-precision high-side and low-side current sensing with sense voltages as low as 10mV.

All ZXCT18xQ models operate within a temperature range of -40°C to +125°C. The ZXCT180Q and ZXCT181Q are available in SOT25 and SOT26 packages, respectively. Standard versions, the ZXCT180 and ZXCT181, are suitable for industrial and commercial applications.